kit is from The Ettes - Little Moments, Big Memories
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This is the journaling:
Mother’s Day hasn’t always been my favorite day. There were many years that I spent the entire day crying for the children I didn’t have. I felt unloved, unimportant and less of a woman because I couldn’t have the children that I wanted. I hated listening to talks about being a mom, when my heart was breaking. This year as I sat in sacrament meeting, I was overcome with an overwhelming feeling of peace. I felt content. I felt pure joy. I know that I am right where I am supposed to be....doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I am a mother to a wonderful son. I am blessed with a wonderful husband. I have been blessed with talents and abilities that bless my family and friends. I am ok, and I know it’s because of the power of God.
As I watched my son stand up and recite the 13th article of faith {perfectly} and be sustained to receive the Aaronic Priesthood, I was a very proud mom. I know that he has a budding testimony of the gospel. As Jason, and about 20 other worthy priesthood holders, placed their hands on his head to confer the priesthood on him, we were both moved to tears. I know that it is this same power of God that my 12 year old will receive. I am so proud of the young man he is becoming.
On the drive home, I asked Tanner how he felt during the blessing. He said, “their hands were heavy”, we laughed and then I said, but how did you feel? He said, “I figured it was important because dad was crying.” Yes bud, it is important. You now have the power of God....and life is Simply Sweet.

These are all super cute!